My ‘GuitarStory’ is a series of considered ‘snapshots’ of 3000 years of guitar evolution.
This will ultimately include everything from evolved hunting bows (berimbau), ‘Torres’ to Hauser, from Khallam to Fender Stratocaster. What I hope is to give a clear illustration of the ‘why’ of the guitars evolution and to hear the resulting glorious sounds. Interviews with key players will add context.
I have filmed renaissance guitar in a castle hall from 1550 and Vihuela in an Elizabethan music room at Burghley House. Bruce Welch has regaled me with stories of ‘skiffle’ and the first UK Stratocaster.
So far I have been the main illustrative guitarist, but my guitar playing days are drawing to a close due to arthritis, so I’m seeking key exponents to illustrate ‘turning points’ in the stories.
Our key character ‘Guitar’ is the ultimate chameleon blending into any musical setting, evolving and contributing everything from a poetic ligado to a crashing power chord, a gentle arpeggio to a shimmering wave.
In my head I have 63 years of passion and research and feel this should be documented and shared.
'Music Is Magic'
".....it puts us in touch with the spirits of the future and also of the past”
- Yehudi Menuhin speaking to me in 1996.
Each 'GuitarStory' will have a direct link to one of my downloadable books available via the 'books' tab.
I can't promise 'magic' but I have found a little 'practical alchemy' can transform any instrument.

Vihuelas with gut strings, gut frets and wooden pegs. Or, Strats with steel strings and vibrato units, all present challenges. I will help you get the most from your instruments.
Every instrument is unique and solutions are tailored to identifying the challenge and addressing that until you achieve your perfect 'set up' .